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A study found that LED tube can kill Salmonella in fruit juice

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In a study published earlier this year in the Journal of food protection, LED tube can kill Salmonella in fruit juice. This shows that in future fruit juice machine can be equipped with Blu ray LED tube to effectively prevent the growth of such bacteria in the juice.
In the study, the researchers used LED nanotubes with a wavelength of 460 nm to irradiate orange juice of five different types of Salmonella and found that the light could kill all of these bacteria. After Salmonella absorbs LED blue light, the bacterial cells are broken down by atoms.
At different temperatures, it takes 4 to 11 hours for the LED tube to kill up to about 99.9% of Salmonella in orange juice, and it takes longer to do it at room temperature. There are no other technologies that can effectively kill Salmonella in the fruit juice machine, which can only inhibit the growth of bacteria.
William Chen, Professor of food science and technology at the Nanyang Technology University in Singapore, said that although the blue LED tube is really available in the juice machine, further research is needed to apply the technology to a wider market. He said that at present most of the juice is still pasteurized before entering the market.